Law Alert

College Promise

Study Finds Connection Between Public Community College Promise Programs and Enrollment Increases

A new study funded by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) found a correlation between public community college promise programs and an increase in enrollment among female and underrepresented students.

Newsom proposes free community college in California

Newsom will include an additional $40 million in his budget to fund a second year of tuition-free community college.

Free for Whom? Free College Considerations for Community College Leaders

Community colleges have long been dedicated to serving all members of their communities and providing educational and economic opportunities to those facing barriers to college enrollment. If statewide free college programs are going to support them in this vital work, programs must be designed with equity in mind.

City and County Playbook - How to Build a Promise

A resource for city and county elected officials to build College Promise Programs for their communities.

This Is College: The Incredible Versatility of Community Colleges

What is the very notion of a classroom in the 21st Century? It’s the place where students learn anywhere and everywhere that advances them toward upward mobility.

New York Times: Middle-Class Families Increasingly Look to Community Colleges

With college prices in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, more middle-class families are looking for ways to spend less for quality education.
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