Law Alert

Student Success

Adopt, Adapt, and Create Open Educational Resources

OER can help trustees leverage investments to increase student success and fight enrollment declines

How In-Prison Education Changed A Life

Phi Theta Kappa International President James Elliott found hope and a new life's mission through in-prison education. The Delaware Technical Community College Student is now working to bring awareness of Second Chance Pell Grants and in-prison education to all prisons in his home state.

Meet Maria, Amarillo's Most Promising Student

Amarillo College raised completion rates from 19% to 48% by using a composite personal profile to better understand who the college should cater to.

Study Shows Higher Ed for Single Mothers Pays Dividends

Single mothers who earn an associate degree earn more, pay more in taxes and require little if any public assistance according to a new study.

STUDENT VOICE: Despite suiting many families’ needs, California community colleges remain an undervalued option

In California, community colleges suit many familities' needs, but may carry an unfair stigma. A satisfied student tries to change perceptions.
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