Law Alert


Community College Partnerships with Unions Can Help Serve Adult Learners

A new brief by AFL-CIO calls for more labor union-community college workforce training partnerships to serve adult learners and workers.

Community Colleges Are Critical to the Innovation Economy

The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 has major implications for how the nation funds research and development, how that R&D leads to job creation, and how we align the developmnent of technology and talent in higher education. Community colleges can and should play an important role in this effort - particularly in job training.

Federal Opportunities and Priorities for Community Colleges

A consensus across OCTAE, NSF, and EDA that improving workforce development programs, especially at community colleges, is a priority because workforce development drives economic development.

EDA’s STEM Talent Challenge Grants: Workforce Funding for the Innovation Economy

In 2023, EDA funded 11 community colleges, universities, tribal governments, and non-profits to support workforce development for regional technology and innovation economies.

10 CHIPS Emerging Technology Areas Shaping the Future of Work

Congress enshrined 10 emerging technology focus areas in the CHIPS and Science Act to focus America's technology and job creation strategy.

Energy Department Funds First IACs at Community Colleges, Trade Unions

The Energy Department's IAC program will help community colleges and trade unions promote equitable workforce development for green jobs.
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