Law Alert

Pell Grants

Second Chance Pell: A Community College Pilot Program Shows Success in Michigan

Evidence shows that individuals who receive education while incarcerated recidivate at lower rates.

Millions in Federal Grants for Community College Students Left on the Table

A significant percentage of community college students don’t receive the federal aid for which they may be eligible.

Seven Questions About the PROSPER Act Answered

The bill passed out of committee in late 2017, and may be considered by the full House in 2018.

The Basics of Pell and Campus-Based Aid

Two of the most common forms of federal student grant aid are the Pell Grant and campus-based aid, usually in the form of federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG) and Federal Work-Study (FWS).

Year-Round Pell's Likely Return

Congressional Republicans and the Trump White House appear poised to bring back year-round Pell Grant eligibility, which the Obama administration and Congress nixed in 2012 over cost concerns.
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