Law Alert

Student Success

Viewpoint: Students getting short-term degrees deserve access to Pell Grants

As Northern Virginia Community College and all of the commonwealth’s community colleges seek to meet Virginia’s need for a highly skilled workforce, we call on the federal government to invest in students seeking short-term, industry-recognized credentials just as it does in those seeking traditional academic degrees.

Completing College: National and State Reports

The Completing College report series provides a comprehensive overview of postsecondary completion trends nationally and by state. For all students who enter postsecondary education for the first time each year, it examines the diverse pathways the student traversed toward completion, as well as a degree or certificate completion rate within six and eight years of enrolling.

ACCT Rural Colleges Initiative Fact Finding Begins

As announced last October, ACCT is conducting a comprehensive assessment of the needs of rural community colleges throughout the country as part of a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundat…

Adopt, Adapt, and Create Open Educational Resources

OER can help trustees leverage investments to increase student success and fight enrollment declines

How In-Prison Education Changed A Life

Phi Theta Kappa International President James Elliott found hope and a new life's mission through in-prison education. The Delaware Technical Community College Student is now working to bring awareness of Second Chance Pell Grants and in-prison education to all prisons in his home state.
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Community College Insights & Perspectives

ACCT Now is the go-to resource for issues affecting community colleges. In addition to reporting and research, you’ll have access to of-the-moment legislative updates. We’ve also included articles, reports, and research from outside sources that benefit the ACCT community.

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