Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Collaborating on Mental Health Practices at Rural Community Colleges

Throughout this Peer Learning Network discussion, we were able to collaborate with and learn from rural community college leaders about their institution’s mental health services, capacities, development, and implementation. The mental health services at rural community colleges vary from institution to institution. However, it is acknowledged that there is a growing need for mental health support and services for students, faculty, and staff.

A Three-Step Guide to Rural Community College-Workforce Partnerships

Social Finance shares their report findings of best practices for community college leaders looking to form cross-sector partnerships at their institutions. In “Improving Workforce Outcomes for Rural Community College Students: A how-to guide for rural community college workforce partnerships,” Social Finance sought to lay the groundwork for strong community college-workforce partnerships.

How Community Colleges Are Supporting Students Through Rising Costs

Community Colleges across the nation are stepping up and providing resources to students as they face soaring inflation costs.

CHIPS & Science Act: What’s In It For Community Colleges, and What Items Were Left Out

President Biden signed in to law a major bipartisan legislation focused on domestic manufacturing of computer chips and science innnovation. How does it impact community colleges?

Congressional District Work Period: An Opportunity for Community College Leaders

The month of August allows federal lawmakers to spend time in their home states and districts, and presents a great opportunity to community college leaders to strengthen relationships and be stronger advocates for their students and campuses.

Community colleges foster racial and gender equity in the manufacturing workforce

Women and people of color are underrepresented in the manufacturing workforce. Community colleges aim to foster better racial and gender equity.
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Community College Insights & Perspectives

ACCT Now is the go-to resource for issues affecting community colleges. In addition to reporting and research, you’ll have access to of-the-moment legislative updates. We’ve also included articles, reports, and research from outside sources that benefit the ACCT community.

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