Law Alert

10 CHIPS Emerging Technology Areas Shaping the Future of Work

Congress enshrined 10 emerging technology focus areas in the CHIPS and Science Act to focus America's technology and job creation strategy.

Energy Department Funds First IACs at Community Colleges, Trade Unions

The Energy Department's IAC program will help community colleges and trade unions promote equitable workforce development for green jobs.

Establishing New Partnerships: Head Start and Community Colleges

The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) and the National Head Start Association (NHSA) are excited to launch the Kids on Campus User Guide. Since March 2023, ACCT and NHSA have worked to curate materials to simplify partnership exploration and the contract process between community colleges and Head Start providers.

Building Partnerships between Community Colleges and Head Start

Kids on Campus is a project by the NHSA and the Association of Community College Trustees to bring Head Start classrooms onto community college campuses.

Building a New Partnership for Community Colleges: The Desire to Partner with Head Start Programs

Community colleges understand that students, especially student parents, have unique needs to thrive. Access to affordable childcare is a well-known barrier faced by student parents. The Kids on Campus Initiative helps explore on-campus partnerships between Community Colleges and Head Start programs to support student parents on-campus.

Companies can drop degree requirements, but they don't know how to hire without them

If businesses really want to be inclusive, they'll need to change more than a diploma requirement.
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