Law Alert


A Day in the Life of a #RealCollege President

Dr. Keith Curry is President/CEO of Compton College and CEO of Compton Community College District

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden commits to free access to community college, training

WASHINGTON (AP) — Jill Biden is pushing free access to community college and training programs, saying the schools will be an important part of Biden administration efforts to rebuild the...

Adopt, Adapt, and Create Open Educational Resources

OER can help trustees leverage investments to increase student success and fight enrollment declines

STUDENT VOICE: Despite suiting many families’ needs, California community colleges remain an undervalued option

In California, community colleges suit many familities' needs, but may carry an unfair stigma. A satisfied student tries to change perceptions.

Higher Education Associations Support DACA Amid Legal Challenges

The Supreme Court is expected to rule on the legality of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program by summer 2020. Higher education associations widely support the program which has helped many undocumented immigrants enroll in college.

Home Base

Adding on-campus housing can help address student needs, but leaders must consider many factors before breaking ground.
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