Law Alert


New York Times: Middle-Class Families Increasingly Look to Community Colleges

With college prices in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, more middle-class families are looking for ways to spend less for quality education.

Forbes: College Promise Programs Could Help Hungry, Homeless Students Reach Their Potential

Two of ACCT's studies found that an average 13-14% of community college students were homeless, and about half were housing insecure. Worse, 29% of former foster youth—who are more likely to attend community colleges than four-year universities for a variety of reasons—were homeless.

Meeting Basic Needs: An Interview with Sara Goldrick-Rab

The policy expert & sociologist explains how community college leaders can help students succeed by meeting basic food and housing needs.

Merging of Savings Accounts Proposed for College Funding

Children’s savings accounts and college promise initiatives could be stronger if the two funding mechanisms for higher education were merged together, a professor argues.

Employer Tuition Assistance Boosts Student Success, Provides Revenue to Community Colleges

While many, if not all, community colleges build relationships with local employers and work to align training programs with local workforce needs, employer tuition assistance supports students in a variety of educational programs and can provide recipients access to a breadth of knowledge and skills that extend beyond their current job responsibilities.

Policies to Support the Postsecondary Success for Foster Youth

Despite facing substantial challenges, foster youth can benefit with the help of policymakers.
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Community College Insights & Perspectives

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