Law Alert

Workforce Development

EDA’s STEM Talent Challenge Grants: Workforce Funding for the Innovation Economy

In 2023, EDA funded 11 community colleges, universities, tribal governments, and non-profits to support workforce development for regional technology and innovation economies.

10 CHIPS Emerging Technology Areas Shaping the Future of Work

Congress enshrined 10 emerging technology focus areas in the CHIPS and Science Act to focus America's technology and job creation strategy.

Energy Department Funds First IACs at Community Colleges, Trade Unions

The Energy Department's IAC program will help community colleges and trade unions promote equitable workforce development for green jobs.

Navigating the 4th Round of SCCTG

Highlighting the potential of the Strengthening Community College Training Grants (SCCTG) initiative, explore its evolution, impact, and the upcoming fourth round of funding. Uncover how colleges can capitalizing on this opportunity to bolster workforce development and education pathways.

SNAP Employment and Training: Overview of the Pennsylvania KEYS Program

The SNAP Employment and Training program helps SNAP participants gain skills and find work that moves them forward to self-sufficiency. During our recent Peer Learning Network discussion, we were joined by Butler County Community College and Pennsylvania Highlands Community College, both located in Pennsylvania, to learn about their KEYS (Keystone Education Yields Success) Program.

A Three-Step Guide to Rural Community College-Workforce Partnerships

Social Finance shares their report findings of best practices for community college leaders looking to form cross-sector partnerships at their institutions. In “Improving Workforce Outcomes for Rural Community College Students: A how-to guide for rural community college workforce partnerships,” Social Finance sought to lay the groundwork for strong community college-workforce partnerships.
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