Law Alert

Workforce Development

Planning for a Changing Labor Market

Shifting labor markets due to COVID-19 recovery require new data analyses to identify in-demand sectors. A panel of experts will discuss tools and approaches to accomplish that goal.

Americans seeking to change job fields prefer nondegree training to make the jump

A quarter of Americans say they would pursue education or training within six months if they lost their job, but most prefer nondegree training over the traditional college route.

Start Stacking: A Conscious Approach to Addressing Skills Gaps

With stackable credentials, colleges are able to better serve the needs of their students, communities and the local workforce.

Inside College-Employer Partnerships: The Importance of Trust

Higher education administrators, especially those at two-year institutions, understand the importance of partnering with employers to create innovative and market-responsive programming to support community development and enrich the college.

Study on Prison-Based College Program

The research found that prison-based education programs, where incarcerated individuals can take college courses and work toward a degree upon release, can be successful but face many obstacles.
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Community College Insights & Perspectives

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