Law Alert

Workforce Development

Study on Prison-Based College Program

The research found that prison-based education programs, where incarcerated individuals can take college courses and work toward a degree upon release, can be successful but face many obstacles.

New Report Details Opportunities for Community Colleges to Expand Apprenticeships

Community colleges are leaders in offering work-based learning opportunities. Colleges can serve more students by expanding apprenticeship programs to emerging industries and focusing on diversity

Maricopa Community Colleges Lead in Concurrent Enrollment and Healthcare Education Programs

The college district aims to offer students with a variety of program options and hands-on training using the latest technologies in growing industries such as health care.

South Carolina Apprenticeships Prepare Students for the Future of Work

South Carolina Technical Colleges partner with local employers in the automotive and other growing industries to meet local economic needs and connect students to careers.

Blue-collar jobs will survive the rise of artificial intelligence. But the work will change

The infusion of artificial intelligence, robotics and big data into the workplace is elevating the demand for people’s ingenuity, to reinvent a process or rapidly solve problems in an emergency.
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