Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Indigenous Arts Tribal College Amplifies Creativity During Pandemic Crisis

Tribal Board Provides Swift Support; Fine Arts Faculty Utilize Virtual Reality

Community College Operations and COVID-19

Community colleges are known for being nimble and responsive to community needs. Here are some ways that community colleges statewide and at district and local levels are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 News

This is a list of news from around the regions that will be updated weekly.

Community College Governance and COVID-19

In the midst of a pandemic, what should community college boards consider in order to function and govern when things are changing by the day?

Community College Communications in the Wake of COVID-19

More important than ever are college’s communication plans to make sure that the entire college community and region is well aware of the suspensions to college operations as normal and other pertinent, urgent matters.
About ACCT Now

Community College Insights & Perspectives

ACCT Now is the go-to resource for issues affecting community colleges. In addition to reporting and research, you’ll have access to of-the-moment legislative updates. We’ve also included articles, reports, and research from outside sources that benefit the ACCT community.

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