Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Inside College-Employer Partnerships: The Importance of Trust

Higher education administrators, especially those at two-year institutions, understand the importance of partnering with employers to create innovative and market-responsive programming to support community development and enrich the college.

Study Shows Higher Ed for Single Mothers Pays Dividends

Single mothers who earn an associate degree earn more, pay more in taxes and require little if any public assistance according to a new study.

STUDENT VOICE: Despite suiting many families’ needs, California community colleges remain an undervalued option

In California, community colleges suit many familities' needs, but may carry an unfair stigma. A satisfied student tries to change perceptions.

Higher Education Associations Support DACA Amid Legal Challenges

The Supreme Court is expected to rule on the legality of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program by summer 2020. Higher education associations widely support the program which has helped many undocumented immigrants enroll in college.

What Does it Take for Community Colleges to Raise More Money?

Community colleges continue to lag on fundraising despite boosting economic mobility at a far greater rate than elite schools. But some of these schools, like Cerritos College in LA, are upping their development game with strong results.

College Scorecard adds program-level debt, earnings data

The U.S. Education Department (ED) on Wednesday launched a revamped College Scorecard that includes data on potential debt and earnings based on fields of study, graduation rates and even apprenticeships. Students and families now have...
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