Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Five Students That Show Why Community Colleges Make The Grade

There’s so much research that points to the success of community college students and the quality of a community college education, but the real evidence can be seen in the stories of these five exceptional students.

Opinion | Back-to-School Advice for College Trustees

Many institutions offer no training for newly arrived board members. Here are some tips from a veteran.

Going to College Before College

Many local high school students can now take courses that give them high school and college credits at the same time. If they stick to it, they will eventually graduate from college in less time an…

New Report Community College Students and Libraries

The report, "Amplifying Student Voices: The Community College Libraries and Academic Support for Student Success Project," found that two-year students see their institutions as accessible and affordable, but they face challenges when balancing work, finances, their classes, transportation to and from campus, and navigating the resources colleges offer.

Promising Community College Practices for Student Parent Success

More than 2 million community college students in the United States are parents of children under 18. Student parents benefit from large earnings gains once earning their degree; community colleges can support their graduation by providing services to help balance family and school responsibilities.

Community College Students Who Work

Most community college students work either part- or full-time while enrolled. Working while enrolled can help students gain valuable experience but can also be a barrier to college completion.
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Community College Insights & Perspectives

ACCT Now is the go-to resource for issues affecting community colleges. In addition to reporting and research, you’ll have access to of-the-moment legislative updates. We’ve also included articles, reports, and research from outside sources that benefit the ACCT community.

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