Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Colleges Are No Match for American Poverty

Amarillo College, in Texas, is working hard to accommodate low-income students—but it can only do so much.

By the Numbers: Trends in Nontraditional Student Enrollment

New data show that over the last four years the share of nontraditional students enrolled in college has begun to fall.

Second Chance Pell: A Community College Pilot Program Shows Success in Michigan

Evidence shows that individuals who receive education while incarcerated recidivate at lower rates.

U.S. Department of Education Looks to Rewrite Gainful Employment Regulations

Changes could require more programs to report student debt and earnings data while also limiting sanctions for underperforming programs.

How Community Colleges Can Act to Support Students Facing Hunger and Homelessness

Students facing basic needs insecurities work hard but struggle with finances and academic success. Community college leaders must act.

Millions in Federal Grants for Community College Students Left on the Table

A significant percentage of community college students don’t receive the federal aid for which they may be eligible.
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