Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Food Insecurity Remains a Barrier for Many Community College Students

The Wisconsin HOPE Lab in conjunction with ACCT conducted research to discuss the pervasive problem of food and housing insecurity for thousands of community college students.

Addressing Community College Cohort Default Rates

Protecting Colleges and Students, released by the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) and The Institute for College Access & Success (TICAS), takes a unique look at student loan default at nine community colleges across the nation, and how those colleges are working to help students avoid default.

It’s Time to Act

Community college trustees can help ensure that year-round Pell is restored for all students.

Supporting the Distressed Student

With half of community college students facing mental health conditions, institutions should take proactive, integrated steps to address them.

States Fund More Student Aid

State-funded student financial aid increased by about 6 percent across the country in the 2014-15 academic year as states put more money into grant and nongrant programs.

The Hidden Costs of Higher Education

At community colleges, tuition and fees only scratch the surface of students’ financial needs.
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Community College Insights & Perspectives

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