Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Northampton Community College opens food pantry for students

Despite increased public interest over rising tuition and fees, living expenses remain a significant barrier for many community college students. ACCT helped examine this issue in depth within the research report Hungry to Learn: Addressing Food & Housing Insecurity Among Undergraduates.

Everyone’s Making Promises

At the federal, state, and local levels, college promise programs are proliferating.

The Perks of Supporting Perkins

Reauthorization of the CTE-focused law enjoys bipartisan support, but faces a short legislative calendar.

Q&A: Year-Round Pell Grants

Your students need your support to bring back Year-Round Pell Grants. Be and advocate and learn more about Year-Round Pell.

California's Baccalaureate

How the state's community colleges overcame challenges through effective advocacy.

Maintaining the Momentum

As the 2016 elections approach, community college leaders converged on Washington to ensure continued progress.
About ACCT Now

Community College Insights & Perspectives

ACCT Now is the go-to resource for issues affecting community colleges. In addition to reporting and research, you’ll have access to of-the-moment legislative updates. We’ve also included articles, reports, and research from outside sources that benefit the ACCT community.

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