Law Alert

Workforce Development

NSF Awards Grants For CHIPS, Tech Workforce, And The Future Of Work

Discover how NSF grants are funding community and technical colleges to advance workforce training in emerging technologies under the CHIPS Act.

State efforts provide models for Workforce Pell

As the push to extend Pell Grant eligibility to include quality short-term education training programs continues, some community college leaders say Exhibit A for federal legislators considering Workforce Pell legislation should be how much state community college systems have already accomplished with existing but limited state-funded, short-term vocational programs and related scholarship programs.

CHIPS Created EDA Tech Hubs. How Are Community Colleges Involved?

The CHIPS Act-funded EDA Tech Hubs are promoting economic development for industries of the future and community colleges are playing a key role.

Unlocking Workforce Potential with the Community College Skills-Based Hiring Playbook

In today's rapidly evolving job market, community colleges are at the forefront of bridging the skills gap and enhancing economic mobility. ACCT and Opportunity@Work are pleased to share two new resources to support skills-based hiring pathways for community colleges and the public sector.

Community Colleges as a Mechanism for Economic Mobility and Talent Pipeline for the Public Sector Workforce

A growing number of government officials are taking action to close labor market gaps by tearing the paper ceiling– removing four-year degree requirements for roles in the public sector. Community colleges have a uniquely powerful role to play in helping STARs achieve economic mobility.

Community Colleges Unite to Scale AI Education and Workforce Development

Scaling AI education and workforce development at community colleges: An exclusive first-look at the NSF-funded National Applied Artificial Intelligence Consortium.
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