Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Opinion: It's Time to Reconsider The Role And Future of Community Colleges

To meet California’s growing demand for skilled workers, we must continue to advocate for an expansion of Workforce Baccalaureate Degrees at community colleges.

This Is College: The Incredible Versatility of Community Colleges

What is the very notion of a classroom in the 21st Century? It’s the place where students learn anywhere and everywhere that advances them toward upward mobility.

New York Times: Middle-Class Families Increasingly Look to Community Colleges

With college prices in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, more middle-class families are looking for ways to spend less for quality education.

Still Hungry and Homeless in College

New report calls on community colleges to continue supporting students who face food and housing insecurity.

New Report, Webinar Explain Role of Trustees in Accreditation Process

Experts recommend trustees serve a central role in the process and stay informed about institutional and programmatic accreditation to ensure quality and student success.

Seven Questions About the PROSPER Act Answered

The bill passed out of committee in late 2017, and may be considered by the full House in 2018.
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