Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Forbes: Baltimore County Builds A College Promise

Here in Baltimore County, we know we can create a better scenario. We want to make a college education within reach of all who can benefit from it. That’s why we’ve partnered with CCBC to launch the Baltimore County College Promise program.

The Future of Statewide College Promise Programs

In the past few years, dozens of states, localities, and schools have proposed or enacted “free college” policies, also known as College Promise programs.

States are passing more policies to help Americans jumpstart careers

Giving students early access to career pathways, internships, and real-world job training allows them to jumpstart their future careers in high school, which has many long-term benefits.

Understanding the New College Majority: The Demographic and Financial Characteristics of Independent Students and their Postsecondary Outcomes

Independent students, once considered “nontraditional,” now constitute the majority of students in the United States. As of 2012, just over half of all U.S. college students were independent (51 percent)

Federal Policy Proposal Leaves Community College Students with Incomplete Earnings Data

Proposed College Dashboard omits data for students who do not receive federal Title IV aid, skewing the information available to college leaders and students.
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