Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Food for Thought

After identifying issues of hunger and homelessness on campus, Bunker Hill Community College began work to create solutions.

The Basics of Pell and Campus-Based Aid

Two of the most common forms of federal student grant aid are the Pell Grant and campus-based aid, usually in the form of federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG) and Federal Work-Study (FWS).

How Des Moines Area Community College Addressed Default Rates

Through research and outreach to delinquent borrowers, DMACC substantially lowered their students' default rate.

Bipartisan bill would overturn federal ban on student unit record database

Bipartisan group of senators wants to end ban on collecting data many say would help students and the public judge colleges. Opponents appear unmoved, citing privacy concerns.

Dr. Jill Biden Speaks at Milwaukee Area Technical College Graduation

County Executive Chris Abele also announced his plans to personally donate $500,000 to fund scholarships in addition to MATC Promise.

Tacoma Community College Pilot Program Helps Homeless Students Succeed

By leveraging available resources, the Washington state college has helped participating housing-insecure students stay enrolled.
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