Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Policies to Support the Postsecondary Success for Foster Youth

Despite facing substantial challenges, foster youth can benefit with the help of policymakers.

When Searching for Cost-Saving Measures, Colleges Go Green

Community colleges are saving money through a variety of methods of increasing energy efficiency.

Department of Education Survey Seeks to Understand How to Communicate with Students about Basic Needs Support

The survey was created in response to new research about basic needs insecurity among college students.

Leveraging Policy to Support Student-Parents

A significant portion of community college students have at least one dependent child and would benefit from greater support on campus.

Jamie Merisotis Talks Talent Development with ACCT

Lumina Foundation President and CEO Jamie Merisotis discusses talent development and other issues covered in his book, "America Needs Talent."

Getting to Graduation: The Importance of College Assessment Policy for Financial Aid Recipients

The Institute for College Access & Success and ACCT, in collaboration with the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office examine the effect financial aid and assessment policy have on graduation and transfer rates.
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