Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Varied Student Transit Needs Call for Innovative Solutions

Community colleges can work in a variety of ways to ease the financial burden transportation can cause.

Will Roadblocks Derail the 2018 Appropriations Process?

The stage is set for a potentially long and complex year to get a federal funding bill across the finish line.

Transportation Costs in Student Living Expenses

The average full-time community college student spends $1,760 per year on transportation.

Free Community College Passes in Nevada

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval signed into law the Nevada Promise Scholarship last week, which would effectively provide tuition-free community college to eligible students.

Securing Students' Basic Needs So They Can Learn

By addressing students' basic need for food and housing, community college leaders will see an increase in student success.

New TICAS research brief shows burden of community college cost by family income

State-by-state analysis looks at the share of family income needed to cover net price of public two- and four-year colleges, as well as number of work hours needed for the lowest income students.
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