Law Alert

wrap-around supports

Connecticut Unveils Community College Merger Plan

The Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education will review a plan Thursday that would place the state's 12 community colleges under one accredited institution.

WSCC hopes to offer four-year degrees | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

“This is not something we can stand up and do in six months,” he said. “The more I learned, the more I realized there is a lot of work for the board to make this right.”

New Report: Five Ways To Finance College Promise Programs

A new report from the College Promise Campaign and ETS describes five financial sustainability models for College Promise programs.

Merging of Savings Accounts Proposed for College Funding

Children’s savings accounts and college promise initiatives could be stronger if the two funding mechanisms for higher education were merged together, a professor argues.

Michigan Community Colleges Offer Bachelor’s Degrees to Increase Degree Attainment and Close Skills Gap

In Michigan, community colleges are giving students the opportunity to earn Bachelor’s degrees on campuses close to home.

What makes a difference in student financial health?

The Center for Community College Student Engagement (CCCSE) at the University of Texas examines how community colleges assess and support student financial health in their recent report.
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